For current events please visit our social media (preview below)...

Fax, Copy, Print, Scan, Laminate
B&W PRINTS: $ .10 per page.
COLOR PRINTS (limited to 5): $ .50 per page.
FAX: $ .50 per page.
LAMINATING: $1.00 per page for 8 x 10 size or $ .50 for small items.
SCANNING: Free Cash only please
Interlibrary Loans
If you can't find what you're looking for in our library, interlibrary loans (ILL's) may be requested by Kanab Library card holders. This is a free service in which books are sent to us from other libraries around the state and country.
The director is approved as a proctor for students taking distant learning or online classes. Contact your schools instructor for direction in using the library as a testing center.
Utah's Online Library
Libby or Utah's Online Library can be accessed here. This allows you to download e-books, audio books, and other materials. You need to have a Kanab Library card in order to log in to this service.
Storytime & Other Events
Storytime: Mondays @ 10:00 am
Musical Storytime: Thursday @ 11:00 am
Yoga: Mondays @ 6:00pm & 7:15pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 9am
Dungeons & Dragons: Fridays @ 5:30 pm
Book Club: 1st Wed. of month @ 5:30 pm
Need a Library Card?
Must present a picture ID and proof of address.
A fee of $25 will be required for those living outside the county limits.
New cards have a limit of 3 items at a time for the first 60 days.
New family cards have a limit of 2 items per person for the first 60 days (total limit of 10 items).
A card is not required for computer/wifi use.
We also offer Temporary cards to those visiting the area for a fee of $25 with a limit of three items at a time
Create an Account
To see the items on your card, renew items or place a hold:
Click on "Search our Catalog" at the top of this page
Click "Back Office" at the top of the catalog page
Click "Create an Account"
Fill in your last name and library card number. After that, you will be asked to create a username and password so you can view the status of your account at any time.
Get Involved
Friends of the Library
Come join Friends of the Library! Members can volunteer at the library and/or participate in fundraisers to benefit the library. There are no minimum number of volunteer hours required.
Friends of the Library meets on the second Monday of each month at 5:15pm in the library board room. Meetings are open to the public.
If you have any questions, contact FOL at FriendsOfTheLibraryKanab@gmail.com
Events Schedule
Storytime: Mondays at 10am in the children's room
Musical Storytime: Thursdays @ 11am in the children's room
Yoga: Mondays @ 6pm and 7:15pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 9am in the multipurpose room
Dungeons & Dragons: Fridays at 5:30pm in the multipurpose room
Book Club: 1st Wed. of month @ 5:30 pm
Library Board
The library board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5pm in the library board room.
Meetings are open to the public.
Board Members
Claudia Presto, Chair
Calli Kelly
Elizabeth Davis, Secretary
William Mader
Byron Owens
Megan Smith
Becca Glover
JanaLee Peay, Library Director
Peter Banks, City Council Representative
Denise Fuhrmann, Friends of the Library Liaison